2023 Adventures I’m Planning For
2023 Adventures I’m Planning For

2023 Adventures I’m Planning For

The Vision Board

Today is my 38th birthday, and during this time, I usually look to the future. As of this date, I’m giving myself 2 years to save up as much money as possible for 2023. In the vision board below, these adventures are my top priority. By 2023, I hope to have at least 5 years of hiking expenses saved and/or invested to fund these adventures. Here’s my 2023 adventures I’m planning for.

My Adventure Vision Board for 2023. This is the background on my work computer, and multiple copies are posted in my apartment.

Antarctica – Dec/Jan/Feb 2023

Bark Europa in Antarctica. (Photo credit – Daniel Kordan)

Antarctica — The Bark Europa first popped up in my life in 2012. Ever since I read about this fascinating sailing trip from Argentina to Antarctica, it has been my goal to sail with them. The Bark Europa is a unique travel experience – it’s the only tall ship that sails to the frigid continent below. The ship starts it’s journey from the Netherlands down to Antarctica, and then back up every fall/winter season. Due to Covid, the ship is currently sailing locally around Europe, but is hoping to begin their Antarctica adventures in the 2021/2022 season. The trip is quite expensive, especially due to the Euro to US Dollar exchange rate. I will need to save at least $10,000 for this trip.

*Note from 5/22/2022 – I completed this early! I got a spot on the ship for the 2021/2022 season. You can start reading my posts about the trip here.

Pacific Crest Trail – Mar/April to Sept/Oct 2023

Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon (Photo Credit – PCTA Photo Gallery)

Pacific Crest Trail — My next major thru hike is the Pacific Crest Trail. If I’m lucky enough to snag a permit, along with having the funds, I will thru hike it from Mar/Apr to Sept/Oct 2023. I remember watching other thru hikers’ Youtube videos and mini-documentaries of this trail while I was desk warming (downtime as a teacher) in South Korea. I remember tearing up at the beauty I was witnessing on the screen, because all my soul wanted was to be there hiking, and not in an office. This stunning trail has captured my heart and I can’t wait to hike it.

Colorado Trail — 2023

Mountain bike cyclist on the Colorado Trail (Photo Credit – Colorado Trail Foundation)

Colorado Trail — Since Antarctica is my top adventure priority, I may not have the funds to thru hike the PCT in the same year. If that happens, I will review my remaining funds and thru hike a series of small long trails. The Colorado Trail is at the top of that list. The best time to thru hike it is from July/August to Sept, due to the elevation and snow. I’m unsure what other trails I’ll thru hike during the gap between finishing Antarctica and hiking the Colorado Trail.

Thru-Hike All National Scenic Trails — 2023 to 2025

All 11 National Scenic Trails (Photo Credit – USGS and Jeff Ryan)

National Scenic Trails — My goal is to thru-hike all the National Scenic Trails by 2025. Some of these trails are well known, such as the AT, PCT, and CDT. However, others are more obscure, like the Potomac Heritage Trail or the Natchez Trace Trail. There are 11 trails all together that range in different lengths, terrains, and climates. The one I’m currently fascinated with is the Natchez Trace Trail. The National Park Service created this scenic trail mainly for cyclists. It’s virtually a 450 mile road walk. Although it’s popular with cyclists, it seems that the hiking community (especially in Mississippi) is non-existent. I’m curious if there is a hiking community around this trail, and to network with them. If not, that makes sense. Who would want to thru-hike a 450 mile roadwalk?!

Time to Save those Coins!!!

While I spend the next 2 years squirreling away those coins, I’ll hike locally to help curb my hikinglust (get it? wanderlust, but hikinglust… lol). Fortunately, I live within driving distance of two National Scenic Trails, the Ice Age Trail and the North Country Trail. My area has plenty of state parks and natural areas to visit, too. I plan to volunteer for a few local trail organizations to meet new people and learn new skills. I’m excited for the future, and can’t wait to see what it brings. 🙂

Are you planning any future hikes or adventures? Let me know below. I’d love to hear about them!

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